Friday, October 15, 2021

Week 1- DFI

 Today was an awesome,we had our first DFI hui, Started off with introductions from Manaiakalani we introduced ourselves with each other in our bubble groups, We then moved in to using google chrome,ive used google chrome before so it was great to go back over the fundamentals because i did need a refresher. We learnt how to use google drive,doc,and google groups.we learnt how to create using google doc i created a Music Lab menu 

Menu using google doc where students can access their work using Learn create share.

1 comment:

  1. Kia ora Jordan,
    Thanks for sharing about what you have learnt. I agree a refresher is always worthwhile. Your Music Lab Menu is a great idea. I hope your learners enjoy using this menu.
    Ngā mihi,
